In the current climate, where so much information is stored and shared electronically, how you store and protect that information becomes the biggest challenge for governments, businesses and individuals, said Mr Jay Sayed, Managing Director of Datcom Cloud. Mr Sayed was speaking at the monthly dinner of the Australian Arab Business Council at the Canterbury Bulldogs Club in Belmore on Wednesday 12th October 2016.
Mr Sayed introduced speakers from Vocus Commuincations, one of the largest owners and operators of fibre cables in Australia who spoke about how information travels and is stored and protected across thousands of kilometres of cables in Australia. They also spoke about the sophistication of cloud technology and how one can have super-fast internet connections. A live demonstration of the internet over 800Mbps was presented at the dinner by Rube Sayed of Datcom Cloud via a limited connectivity of wireless 10Mbpts which was extraordinary to witness. For further information about Datcom Cloud, please email or 02 8651 1111 and the Datcom Cloud team will be there to take you to the Cloud.
The next monthly dinner of the AABC will be Wednesday 9th November 2016. Mr Andrew Allen, of Fifo Capital, will present about Cashflow Solutions and Invoice factoring.
Photos of the last monthly dinner are available through this Link:
Previous Dinners